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List of ISO 4217 Currency Codes & Symbols by Country

The International Organization for Standardization releases a listing of standard currency codes described as the ISO 4217 code list. Listed below, you’ll find ISO 4217 codes for currencies in circulation, plus some (with an asterisk) that are not officially identified by the ISO. This list omits outdated and also old Euro-zone currencies.

Currency codes are composed of a nation’s two-character Internet country code plus a third character signifying the monetary denomination. For instance, the Canadian Dollar code (CAD) is composed of Canada’s internet code (“CA”) plus a money designator (“D”). For a list of currency symbols like the Dollar indication “$”, the Pound sign “₤”, and also the Euro indicator “EUR”, describe our Currency symbols. 

CountryCurrencyISO Currency CodeCurrency Symbol
AFGHANISTANThe currency of Afganistan is the AfghaniAFNThe currency symbol of Afghanistan is the AfConvert to AFN
ALBANIAThe currency of Albania is the LekALLThe currency symbol of Alabania is LConvert to ALL
ALGERIAThe currency of Alergia is the Algerian DinarDZDد.جThe currency symbol Algeria is Convert to DZD
AMERICAN SAMOAThe Currency of American Samoa is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of American Samoa is $Convert to USD
ANDORRAThe currency of Andoarra is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Andorra is €Convert to EUR
ANGOLAThe currency of Angola is the KwanzaAOA Convert to AOA
ANGUILLAThe currency of Anguilla is the East Caribbean DollarXCDThe currency symbol of Anguilla is $Convert to XCD
ANTARCTICANo universal currency N/A
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDAThe currency of Antigua and Barbuda is the East Caribbean DollarXCDThe currency symbol of Antigua and Barbuda is $Convert to XCD
ARGENTINAThe currency of Argentina is the Argentine PesoARSThe Currency Symbol of Argentina is $Convert to ARS
ARMENIAThe currency of Armenia is the Armenian DramAMDThe currency symbol of Armenia is ԴConvert to AMD
ARUBAThe currency of Aruba is the Aruban FlorinAWGThe currency symbol of Aruba is ƒConvert to AWG
AUSTRALIAThe currency of Australia is the Australian DollarAUDThe currency symbol of Australia is $Convert to AUD
AUSTRIAThe currency of Austria is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Austria is €Convert to EUR
AZERBAIJANThe currency of Azerbaijan is the Azerbaijanian ManatAZNThe currency symbol of Azerbaijan is манConvert to AZN
BAHAMASThe currency of the Bahamas is the Bahamian DollarBSDThe currency symbol of The Bahamas is $Convert to BSD
BAHRAINThe currency of Bahrain is the Bahraini DinarBHDب.دThe currency symbol of Bahrain is Convert to BHD
BANGLADESHThe currency of Bangladesh is the TakaBDTThe currency symbol of Bangladesh is ৳Convert to BDT
BARBADOSThe currency of Barbados is the Barbados DollarBBDThe currency symbol of Barbados is $Convert to BBD
BELARUSThe currency of Belarus is the Belarussian RubleBYNThe currency symbol of Belarus is BrConvert to BYN
BELGIUMThe currency of Belgium is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Begium is €Convert to EUR
BELIZEThe currency of Belize is the Belize DollarBZDThe currency symbol of Belize is $Convert to BZD
BENINThe currency of Benin is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
BERMUDAThe currency of Bermuda is the Bermudian DollarBMDThe currency symbol of Bermuda is $Convert to BMD
BHUTANThe currency of Bhutan is the NgultrumBTN Convert to BTN
BOLIVIAThe currency of Bolivia is the BolivianoBOBThe currency symbol of Bolivia is Bs.Convert to BOB
BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE OF)The currency of Bolivia is the MvdolBOV Convert to BOV
BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABAThe currency of Bonaire is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAThe currency of Boznia and herzegovina is the Convertible MarkBAMThe currency symbol of Bosnia and Herzegovina is КМConvert to BAM
BOTSWANAThe currency of Botswana is the PulaBWPThe currency symbol of Botswana is PConvert to BWP
BOUVET ISLANDThe currency of Bouvet island is the Norwegian KroneNOK Convert to NOK
BRAZILThe currency of Brazil is the Brazilian RealBRLThe currency symbol of Brazil is R$Convert to BRL
BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY (THE)The currency of British Indian Ocean Terriotory is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of The British Indian Ocean Territory is $Convert to USD
BRUNEI DARUSSALAMThe currency of Brunei Daraussalam is the Brunei DollarBNDThe currency symbol of Brunei is $Convert to BND
BULGARIAThe currency of Bulgaria is the Bulgarian LevBGNThe currency symbol of Bulgaria is лвConvert to BGN
BURKINA FASOThe currency of Burkina is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
BURUNDIThe currency of Burundi is the Burundi FrancBIFThe currency symbol of Burundi is the ₣Convert to BIF
CAPE VERDEThe currency of Cape Verde is the Cape Verde EscudoCVE Convert to CVE
CAMBODIAThe currency of Cambodia is the RielKHRThe currency symbol of Cambodia is ៛Convert to KHR
CAMEROONThe currency of Cameroon is the CFA Franc BEACXAF Convert to XAF
CANADAThe currency of Canada is the Canadian DollarCADThe currency symbol of Canada is $Convert to CAD
CAYMAN ISLANDSThe currency of The Cayman Islands is the Cayman Islands DollarKYDThe currency symbol of The Cayman Islands is $Convert to KYD
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (THE)The currency of The Central African Repulic is the CFA Franc BEACXAFThe currency symbol of The Central African Repulic is ₣Convert to XAF
CHADThe currency of Chad is the CFA Franc BEACXAF Convert to XAF
CHILEThe currency of Chile is the Unidad de FomentoCLF Convert to CLF
CHILEThe currency of Chile is the Chilean PesoCLPThe currency symbol of Chile is the $Convert to CLP
CHINAThe currency of China is the Yuan RenminbiCNYThe currency symbol of China is ¥Convert to CNY
CHRISTMAS ISLANDThe currency of Christmas Island is the Australian DollarAUDThe currency symbol of the Christmas Island is $Convert to AUD
COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS (THE)The currency of Cocos Islands is the Australian DollarAUDThe currency symbol of The Cocos Islands is $Convert to AUD
COLOMBIAThe currency of Colombia is the Colombian PesoCOPThe currency symbol of Colombia is $Convert to COP
COLOMBIAThe currency of Colombia is the Unidad de Valor RealCOU Convert to COU
COMOROS (THE)The currency of Comoros is the Comoro FrancKMF Convert to KMF
CONGO (THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE)The currency of The Democratic Repulic of Congo is Congolese FrancCDFThe currency symbol of The Democratic Republic of Congo is ₣Convert to CDF
CONGO (THE)The currency of The Congo is the CFA Franc BEACXAF Convert to XAF
COOK ISLANDS (THE)The currency of The Cook Islands is the New Zealand DollarNZDThe currency symbol of The Cook Islands is $Convert to NZD
COSTA RICAThe currency of Costa Rica is the Costa Rican ColonCRCThe currency symbol of Costa Rica is ₡Convert to CRC
CROATIAThe currency of roatia is the KunaHRKThe currency symbol of Croatia is KnConvert to HRK
CUBAThe currency of Cuba is the Peso ConvertibleCUCThe currency symbol of Cuba is $Convert to CUC
CUBAThe currency of Cuba is the Cuban PesoCUP Convert to CUP
CURAÇAOThe CuraÇao is the Netherlands Antillean guilderANG Convert to ANG
CYPRUSThe Currency of Cyprus is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Cyprus is €Convert to EUR
CZECH REPUBLIC (THE)The currency of The Czech Repulic is the Czech KorunaCZKThe currency symbol of The Czech Republic is KčConvert to CZK
CÔTE D'IVOIREThe currency of the Ivory Coast is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
DENMARKThe currency of Demark is the Danish KroneDKKThe currency symbol of Denmark is the krConvert to DKK
DJIBOUTIThe currency of Djibouti is the Djibouti FrancDJFThe currency symbol of Djibouti is ₣Convert to DJF
DOMINICAThe currency of Dominica is the East Caribbean DollarXCD Convert to XCD
DOMINICAN REPUBLICThe currency of The Dominican Republic is the Dominican PesoDOPThe currency symbol of The Dominican Republic is $Convert to DOP
ECUADORThe currency of Equador is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of Equador is $Convert to USD
EGYPTThe currency of Egypt is the Egyptian PoundEGPThe currency symbol of Egypt is the £Convert to EGP
EL SALVADORThe currency of El Salvador is the El Salvador ColonSVC Convert to SVC
EL SALVADORThe currency of El Salvador is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of El Salvador is $Convert to USD
EQUATORIAL GUINEAThe currency of Equatorial Guniea is the CFA Franc BEACXAF Convert to XAF
ERITREAThe currency of Eritrea is the NakfaERNThe currency symbol Eritrea is NfkConvert to ERN
ESTONIAThe currency of Estonia is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Estonia is €Convert to EUR
ETHIOPIAThe currency of Ethipia is the Ethiopian BirrETB Convert to ETB
EUROPEAN UNIONThe Euro Currency is used by 19 EU members EURThe currency symbol The EU is €Convert to EUR
FALKLAND ISLANDS (THE) [MALVINAS]The currency of The Falkland islands is the Falkland Islands PoundFKPThe currency symbol of The Falkland islands is £Convert to FKP
FAROE ISLANDS (THE)Thecurrency of the Faroe islands is the Danish KroneDKK Convert to DKK
FIJIThe Currency of Fiji is the Fiji DollarFJDThe currency symbol of Fiji is $Convert to FJD
FINLANDThe Currency of Finland is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Finland is €Convert to EUR
FRANCEThe currency of France is the EuroEURThe currency symbol France is €Convert to EUR
FRENCH GUIANAThe Currency of French Guiana is the EuroEURThe currency symbol French Guinea is €Convert to EUR
FRENCH POLYNESIAThe Currency of French Polynesia is the CFP FrancXPFThe currency symbol French Polynesia is ₣Convert to XPF
FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES (THE)The Currency of the French Southern Territores is the EuroEURThe currency symbol The French Southern Territories is €Convert to EUR
GABONThe currency of Gabon is the CFA Franc BEACXAF Convert to XAF
GAMBIA (THE)The Currency of The Gambia is the DalasiGMDThe currency symbol of The Gambia is DConvert to GMD
GEORGIAThe Currency of Georgia is the LariGELThe currency symbol of Georigia is ლConvert to GEL
GERMANYThe Currency of Germany is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Germany is €Convert to EUR
GHANAThe Currency of Ghana is the Ghana CediGHSThe currency symbol of Ghana is ₵Convert to GHS
GIBRALTARThe Currency of Gibraltar is the Gibraltar PoundGIPThe currency symbol of Gibraltar is £Convert to GIP
GREECEThe currency of Greece is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Greece is €Convert to EUR
GREENLANDThe Currency of Greenland is the Danish KroneDKK Convert to DKK
GRENADAThe Currency of Grenada is the East Caribbean DollarXCDThe currency symbol of Grenada is $Convert to XCD
GUADELOUPEThe Currency of Guadeloupe is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Guadeloupe is €Convert to EUR
GUAMThe Currency of Guam is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of Guam is $Convert to USD
GUATEMALAThe Currency of Guatemala is the QuetzalGTQThe currency symbol of Guatemala is QConvert to GTQ
GUERNSEYThe Currency of Guernsay is Pound SterlingGBPThe currency symbol of Guernsey is £Convert to GBP
GUINEAThe Currency of Guniea is the Guinea FrancGNFThe currency symbol Guinea is ₣Convert to GNF
GUINEA-BISSAUThe Currency of Guinea-Bisaau is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
GUYANAThe Currency of Guyana is the Guyana DollarGYDThe currency symbol of Guyana is $Convert to GYD
HAITIThe Currency of Haiti is the GourdeHTGThe currency symbol of Haiti is GConvert to HTG
HAITIThe Currency of Haiti is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of Haiti is $Convert to USD
HEARD ISLAND AND McDONALD ISLANDSThe Currency of the Heard and McDonald Island Australian DollarAUDThe currency symbol of the Heard and McDonald Islands is $Convert to AUD
HOLY SEE (THE)The Currency of The Holy See is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of The Holy See is €Convert to EUR
HONDURASThe Currency of Honduras is the LempiraHNLThe currency symbol of Honduras is LConvert to HNL
HONG KONGThe Currency of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong DollarHKDThe currency symbol of Hong Kong is $Convert to HKD
HUNGARYThe Currency of Hungary is the ForintHUFThe currency symbol of Hungary is FtConvert to HUF
ICELANDThe Currency of Iceland is the Iceland KronaISKThe currency symbol of Iceland is KrConvert to ISK
INDIAThe Currency of India is the Indian RupeeINRThe currency symbol of India is ₨Convert to INR
INDONESIAThe Currency of Indonesia is the RupiahIDRThe currency symbol of Indonesia is RpConvert to IDR
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF)The Currency of the IMF is SDR (Special Drawing Right)XDR Convert to XDR
IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)The Currency of Iran is the Iranian RialIRR﷼The currency symbol of Iran is Convert to IRR
IRAQThe Currency of Iraq is the Iraqi DinarIQDع.دThe currency symbol of Iraq is Convert to IQD
IRELANDThe Currency of Ireland is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Ireland is €Convert to EUR
ISLE OF MANThe Currency of Isle of man is Pound SterlingGBPThe currency symbol of The Isle of man is £Convert to GBP
ISRAELThe Currency of Israel is the New Israeli SheqelILSThe currency symbol of Israel is ₪Convert to ILS
ITALYThe Currency of Italy is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Italy is €Convert to EUR
JAMAICAThe Currency of Jamaica is the Jamaican DollarJMDThe currency symbol of Jamaica is $Convert to JMD
JAPANThe Currency of Japan is the YenJPYThe currency symbol of Japan is ¥Convert to JPY
JERSEYThe Currency of Jersey is Pound SterlingGBPThe currency symbol of Jersey is £Convert to GBP
JORDANThe Currency of Jordan is the Jordanian DinarJODد.اThe currency symbol of Jordan is Convert to JOD
KAZAKHSTANThe Currency of Kazakstan is the TengeKZTThe currency symbol of Kazakhstan is 〒Convert to KZT
KENYAThe Currency of Kenya is the Kenyan ShillingKESThe currency symbol of Kenya is ShConvert to KES
KIRIBATIThe Currency of Kiribati is the Australian DollarAUD Convert to AUD
NORTH KOREAThe Currency of North Korea is North Korean WonKPW Convert to KPW
SOUTH KOREAThe Currency of South Korea is the WonKRW Convert to KRW
KUWAITThe Currency of Kuwait is the Kuwaiti DinarKWDد.كThe currency symbol of Kuwait is Convert to KWD
KYRGYZSTANThe Currency of Kyrgyzstan is the SomKGS Convert to KGS
LAOThe Currency of Lao is the KipLAK Convert to LAK
LATVIAThe Currency of Latvia is the EuroEUR Convert to EUR
LEBANONThe Currency of Lebanon is the Lebanese PoundLBPل.لThe currency symbol of Lebanon is Convert to LBP
LESOTHOThe Currency of Lesotho is the LotiLSLThe currency symbol of Lesotho is LConvert to LSL
LESOTHOThe Currency of Lesotho is the RandZAR Convert to ZAR
LIBERIAThe Currency of Liberia is the Liberian DollarLRDThe currency symbol of Liberia is $Convert to LRD
LIBYAThe Currency of Libya is the Libyan DinarLYDل.دThe currency symbol of Libiya is the Convert to LYD
LIECHTENSTEINThe Currency of Liechensteain is the Swiss Franc CHF Convert to CHF
LITHUANIAThe Currency of Lithuania is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Lithuania is the €Convert to EUR
LUXEMBOURGThe Currency of Luxembourg is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Luxembourg is €Convert to EUR
MACAOThe Currency of Maccao is the PatacaMOPThe currency symbol of Macao is PConvert to MOP
MADAGASCARThe Currency of Madagascar is the Malagasy AriaryMGAThe currency symbol of Madagascar is MKConvert to MGA
MALAWIThe Currency of Malawi is the KwachaMWK Convert to MWK
MALAYSIAThe Currency of Malaysia is the Malaysian RinggitMYRThe currency symbol of Malaysia is RMConvert to MYR
MALDIVESThe Currency of the Maldives is the RufiyaaMVRރThe currency symbol of the Maldives is Convert to MVR
MALIThe Currency of Mali is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
MALTAThe Currency of Malta is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Malta is €Convert to EUR
MARSHALL ISLANDS (THE)The Currency of the Marshall Islands is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
MARTINIQUEThe Currency of Martinque is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Martinique is €Convert to EUR
MAURITANIAThe Currency of Mauritania is the OuguiyaMRUThe currency symbol Mauritania is UMConvert to MRU
MAURITIUSThe Currency of Mauritius is the Mauritius RupeeMURThe currency symbol Mauritus is ₨Convert to MUR
MAYOTTEThe Currency of Mayotte is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Mayotte is €Convert to EUR
MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUPThe Currency of the African development bank are ADB Unit of AccountXUA Convert to XUA
MEXICOThe Currency of Mexico is the Mexican PesoMXNThe currency symbol of Mexico is $Convert to MXN
MEXICOThe Currency of Mexico is the Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)MXV Convert to MXV
MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF)The Currency of Micronesia is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
MOLDOVAThe Currency of Moldova is the Moldovan LeuMDLThe currency symbol of Moldova is LConvert to MDL
MONACOThe Currency of Monaco is the EuroEUR Convert to EUR
MONGOLIAThe Currency of Mongolia is the TugrikMNTThe currency symbol of Mongolia is ₮Convert to MNT
MONTENEGROThe Currency of Montenegro is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Montenegro is €Convert to EUR
MONTSERRATThe Currency of Montserrat is the East Caribbean DollarXCDThe currency symbol of Montserrat is $Convert to XCD
MOROCCOThe Currency of Morocco is the Moroccan DirhamMADد.م.The currency symbol of Morrocco is Convert to MAD
MOZAMBIQUEThe Currency of Mozambique is the Mozambique MeticalMZNThe currency symbol of Mozambique is MTnConvert to MZN
MYANMARThe Currency of Myanmar is the KyatMMKThe currency symbol of Myanmar is KConvert to MMK
NAMIBIAThe Currency of Namibia is the Namibia DollarNADThe currency symbol of Namibia is $Convert to NAD
NAMIBIAThe Currency of Namibia is the RandZAR Convert to ZAR
NAURUThe Currency of Nauru is the Australian DollarAUD Convert to AUD
NEPALThe Currency of Nepal is the Nepalese RupeeNPRThe currency symbol of Nepal is ₨Convert to NPR
NETHERLANDS The Currency of The Netherlands is the EuroEURThe currency symbol the Netherlands is €Convert to EUR
NEW CALEDONIAThe Currency of New Caledonia is the CFP FrancXPFThe currency symbol of New Caledonia is ₣Convert to XPF
NEW ZEALANDThe Currency of New Zealand is the New Zealand DollarNZDThe currency symbol of New Zealand is $Convert to NZD
NICARAGUAThe Currency of Nicaragua is the Cordoba OroNIOThe currency symbol of Nicaragua is C$Convert to NIO
NIGER (THE)The Currency of Niger is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
NIGERIAThe Currency of Nigeria is the NairaNGNThe currency symbol of Nigeria is ₦Convert to NGN
NIUEThe Currency of Niue is the New Zealand DollarNZD Convert to NZD
NORFOLK ISLANDThe Currency of Nolfolf Island is the Australian DollarAUD Convert to AUD
NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (THE)The Currency of The Northern Mariana Islands is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
NORWAYThe Currency of Norway is the Norwegian KroneNOKThe currency symbol of Norwary is krConvert to NOK
OMANThe Currency of Oman is the Rial OmaniOMRر.ع.The currency symbol of Oman is the Convert to OMR
PAKISTANThe Currency of Pakistan is the Pakistan RupeePKRThe currency symbol of Pakistand is ₨Convert to PKR
PALAUThe Currency of Palau is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
PALESTINE, STATE OFPalestine has No universal currency  
PANAMAThe Currency of Panama is the BalboaPABThe currency symbol of Panama is B/.Convert to PAB
PANAMAThe Currency of Panama is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
PAPUA NEW GUINEAThe Currency of Papua is the KinaPGKThe currency symbol of Papua new guniea is KConvert to PGK
PARAGUAYThe Currency of Paraguay is the GuaraniPYGThe currency symbol of Paraguay is ₲Convert to PYG
PERUThe Currency of Peru is the Nuevo SolPENThe currency symbol of Peru is S/.Convert to PEN
PHILIPPINES (THE)The Currency of The Philippines is the Philippine PesoPHPThe currency symbol of the Phillipines is ₱Convert to PHP
PITCAIRNThe Currency of Pitcairn is the New Zealand DollarNZD Convert to NZD
POLANDThe Currency of Poland is the ZlotyPLNThe currency symbol of Poland is złConvert to PLN
PORTUGALThe Currency of Portugal is the EuroEURThe currency symbol Portugal is €Convert to EUR
PUERTO RICOThe Currency of Puerto Rico is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
QATARThe Currency of Qatar is the Qatari RialQARر.قThe currency symbol of Qatar is the Convert to QAR
REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIAThe Currency of North Macedonia is the DenarMKD Convert to MKD
ROMANIAThe Currency of Romania is the Romanian LeuRONThe currency symbol of Romania is LConvert to RON
RUSSIAN FEDERATION (THE)The Currency of Russia is the Russian RubleRUB Convert to RUB
RWANDAThe Currency of Rwanda is the Rwanda FrancRWFThe currency symbol of Rwanda is ₣Convert to RWF
RÉUNIONThe Currency of Reunion is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Reunion is €Convert to EUR
SAINT BARTHÉLEMYThe Currency of Saint Barts is the EuroEURThe currency symbol St Barts is €Convert to EUR
SAINT HELENA, ASCENSION AND TRISTAN DA CUNHAThe Currency of Saint Helena is the Saint Helena PoundSHPThe currency symbol of Saint Helena is £Convert to SHP
SAINT KITTS AND NEVISThe Currency of Saint Kitts and Nevis is the East Caribbean DollarXCDThe currency symbol of Saint Kitts and Nevis is $Convert to XCD
SAINT LUCIAThe Currency of Saint Lucia is the East Caribbean DollarXCDThe currency symbol of Saint Lucia is $Convert to XCD
SAINT MARTIN (FRENCH PART)The Currency of Saint Martin is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Saint Martin is €Convert to EUR
SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELONThe Currency of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is €Convert to EUR
SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINESThe Currency of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is the East Caribbean DollarXCDThe currency symbol of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is $Convert to XCD
SAMOAThe Currency of Samoa is the TalaWST Convert to WST
SAN MARINOThe Currency of San Marino is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of San Marino is €Convert to EUR
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPEThe Currency of Sao Tome and Principe is the DobraSTNThe currency symbol of Sao Tome and Principe is DbConvert to STN
SAUDI ARABIAThe Currency of Saudi Arabia is the Saudi RiyalSARر.سThe currency symbolSaudi Aradia is Convert to SAR
SENEGALThe Currency of Senegal is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
SERBIAThe Currency of Serbia is the Serbian DinarRSDThe currency symbol of Serbia is dinConvert to RSD
SEYCHELLESThe Currency of the Seychelles is the Seychelles RupeeSCR Convert to SCR
SIERRA LEONEThe Currency of Sierra Leone is the LeoneSLLThe currency symbol of Sierra Leone is LeConvert to SLL
SINGAPOREThe Currency of Singapore is the Singapore DollarSGD Convert to SGD
SINT MAARTEN (DUTCH PART)The Currency of Sint Martin is the Netherlands Antillean GuilderANG Convert to ANG
SLOVAKIAThe currency ofSlovakia is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Slovaklia is €Convert to EUR
SLOVENIAThe currency of Slovenia is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Slovenia is €Convert to EUR
SOLOMON ISLANDSThe currency of the Solomon Islands is the Solomon Islands DollarSBDThe currency symbol of the Solomon islands is $Convert to SBD
SOMALIAThe currency of Somalia is the Somali ShillingSOSThe currency symbol of Somalia is ShConvert to SOS
SOUTH AFRICAThe currency of South Africa is the RandZARThe currency symbol of South Africa is RConvert to ZAR
SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDSSouth Georigia and South Sandwich islands have No universal currency  
SOUTH SUDANThe Currency of Southe Sudan is the South Sudanese PoundSSP Convert to SSP
SPAINThe Currency of Spain is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of Spain is €Convert to EUR
SRI LANKAThe Currency of Sri Lanka is the Sri Lanka RupeeLKRThe currency symbol of Sri Lanka is RsConvert to LKR
SUDAN (THE)The Currency of Sudan is the Sudanese PoundSDGThe currency symbol of Sudan is £Convert to SDG
SURINAMEThe Currency of Suriname is the Surinam DollarSRDThe currency symbol of Suriname is $Convert to SRD
SVALBARD AND JAN MAYENThe Currency of Svalbard and Jan Mayen is the Norwegian KroneNOK Convert to NOK
SWAZILANDThe Currency of Swaziland is the LilangeniSZLThe currency symbol of Swazilland is LConvert to SZL
SWEDENThe Currency of Sweden is the Swedish KronaSEKThe currency symbol of Sweden is krConvert to SEK
SWITZERLANDThe Currency of Switzerland is the WIR EuroCHE Convert to CHE
SWITZERLANDThe Currency of Switzerland is the Swiss FrancCHFThe currency symbol of Switzerland is ₣Convert to CHF
SWITZERLANDThe Currency of Switzerland is the WIR FrancCHW Convert to CHW
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLICThe Currency ofSyria is the Syrian PoundSYP Convert to SYP
TAIWAN (PROVINCE OF CHINA)The Currency of Taiwan is the New Taiwan DollarTWDThe currency symbol of Taiwan is NT$Convert to TWD
TAJIKISTANThe Currency of Tajikistan is the SomoniTJSThe currency symbol of Tajistan is ЅМConvert to TJS
TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OFThe Currency of Tanzania is the Tanzanian ShillingTZSThe currency symbol of The Republic of Tanzania is ShConvert to TZS
THAILANDThe currency of Thailand is the BahtTHB฿Convert to THB
TIMOR-LESTEThe Currency of Timor- leste is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
TOGOThe Currency of Togo is the CFA Franc BCEAOXOF Convert to XOF
TOKELAUThe Currency of Tokeleau is the New Zealand DollarNZD Convert to NZD
TONGAThe Currency of Tonga is the Pa'angaTOPThe currency symbol of Tonga is T$Convert to TOP
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGOThe Currency of Trinidad and Tobago is the Trinidad and Tobago DollarTTDThe currency symbol of of Trindad and Tobago is $Convert to TTD
TUNISIAThe Currency of Tunisia is the Tunisian DinarTNDد.تThe currency symbol of Tunisia is the Convert to TND
TURKEYThe Currency of Turkey is the Turkish LiraTRY Convert to TRY
TURKMENISTANThe Currency of Turkmenistan is the Turkmenistan New ManatTMTThe currency symbol of Turkmenistan is mConvert to TMT
TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (THE)The Currency ofTurks and Caicos is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
TUVALUThe Currency of Tuvalu is the Australian DollarAUD Convert to AUD
UGANDAThe Currency of Uganda is the Uganda ShillingUGXThe currency symbol of Uganda is the ShConvert to UGX
UKRAINEThe Currency of Ukraine is the HryvniaUAHThe currency symbol of the Ukraine is ₴Convert to UAH
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (THE)The currency of the UAE is the UAE DirhamAED Convert to AED
UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS (THE)The Currency of the United States minor Islands is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of US minor islands is the $Convert to USD
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (THE)The Currency of the USA is the US DollarUSDThe currency symbol of the USA is the $Convert to USD
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (THE)US Dollar (Next day)USNThe currency symbol of the USA is the $Convert to USN
URUGUAYThe Currency of Uruguay is the Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI)UYI Convert to UYI
URUGUAYThe Currency of Uruguay Peso UruguayoUYUThe currency symbol of Uraguay is the $Convert to UYU
UZBEKISTANThe Currency of Uzbekistand is the Uzbekistan SumUZS Convert to UZS
VANUATUThe Currency of Vanatu is the VatuVUVThe currency symbol of Vanatu is the VtConvert to VUV
VENEZUELA (BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF)The Currency of Venezuela is the BolivarVEF Convert to VEF
VIETNAMThe Currency of Vietnam is the DongVNDThe currency symbol of Vitetnam is the ₫Convert to VND
VIRGIN ISLANDS (BRITISH)The Currency of British Virgin Islands is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.)The Currency of US Virgin Islands is the US DollarUSD Convert to USD
WALLIS AND FUTUNAThe Currency of Wallis and Futuna is the CFP FrancXPF Convert to XPF
WESTERN SAHARAThe Currency of the Western Sahara is the Moroccan DirhamMAD Convert to MAD
YEMENThe Currency of Yemen is the Yemeni RialYER﷼The currency symbol of Yemen is the Convert to YER
ZAMBIAThe Currency of Zambia is the Zambian KwachaZMWThe currency symbol of Zambia is the ZKConvert to ZK
ZIMBABWEThe Currency of Zimbabwe is the Zimbabwe DollarZWLThe currency symbol of Zimbabwe is the $Convert to ZWL
ÅLAND ISLANDSThe Currency of Aland Islands is the EuroEURThe currency symbol of the Aland Islands €Convert to EUR

Currency codes explained:

The 3-letter alphabetical currency code is made up of the ISO 3166 two-letter country code plus an extra character (typically the first letter of the country’s main currency) to denote the denomination.
The responsible authority for the residential currency is usually the national Central or Reserve Bank.

Currency Symbols explained:

When composing currency quantities, the location of the sign varies by language. Many Currencies in the English-speaking world and Latin America area it prioritises the currency symbol before the quantity (e.g., R$ 50,00). The Cape Verdean escudo (like the Portuguese escudo, to which it was formerly pegged) places its symbol in the decimal separator setting (e.g. 20$00). In numerous European nations such as France, the icon is generally put after the amount (e.g. 20,50 €).

The decimal separator also adheres to local nations’ standards. As an example, the United Kingdom typically utilises a centred dot as the decimal point on the transcribed price tag (e.g., ₤ 5 · 52), however a full stop (e.g., ₤ 5.52) in print. Commas (e.g. €5,00) or decimal points (e.g. $50.00) prevail separators used in various other countries.

Most popular Currencies, their currency codes & currency symbols

$ – USD (US Dollar)

The U.S. Dollar, which is sometimes called the greenback, is the first and primary currency in the world of foreign exchange trading, as it is comfortably one of the most traded money in the world. The U.S. dollar can be located in a currency trading pair with all of the various other significant currencies and also frequently functions as the intermediary in triangular currency purchases. This is because the greenback serves as the unofficial global reserve money, held by virtually every reserve bank as well as institutional investment entity on the planet. The U.s Dollar’s currency code is USD and its Currency Symbols is $ shown before for the quantity of currency.

€ – EUR (Euro)

The Euro has come to be the second most traded currency behind the US Dollar ($) or USD. The official money of most of the countries within the eurozone, the euro was introduced globally to financial markets on Jan. 1, 1999, with banknotes and coinage being circulated 3 years later in 2003. The Euros currency symbol is € and its currency code EUR.

In addition to being the official currency for the majority of eurozone nations, lots of countries within Europe and Africa peg their currencies to the euro, for much the same factor that other nations peg to the USD – to support the exchange rate. Therefore, the euro is also the globe’s second-largest traded currency.

¥ – JPY (Japanese Yen)

The Japanese Yen is comfortably the most traded of Asian currencies and is considered by many as the backbone of Japan’s production and export-driven economy. As Japan’s economy goes, the yen typically follows (in some respects). Forex traders likewise view the yen to evaluate the overall wellness of the Pan-Pacific area as well, when taking positions in economies such as South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. As often those currencies are traded far much less in the worldwide foreign exchange markets. The yen’s currency code is JPY and its currency symbol is ¥.

£ – GBP (British Pound) 

The Great British Pound, additionally called the pound sterling, is the 4th most traded currency in the foreign exchange market. Although the U.K. was an official participant of the European Union, the nation never embraced the euro (€, EUR) as its official currency for a variety of reasons, namely historical ties to the pound and keeping control of the UK’s domestic rates of interest. As a result, the pound is often considered as a sole focus on the UK. The pounds currency code is GBP and its currency symbol is the £.

CA$ – CAD (Canadian Dollar)

Sometimes called the loonie, the Canadian Dollar is possibly the world’s leading commodity currency denomination, it often fluctuates action with the commodity assets markets– especially crude oil, precious metals, as well as minerals. With Canada being such a huge exporter of these commodities, the loonie usually reacts to activities in underlying commodities costs, specifically that of crude oil.

Traders commonly trade the Canadian dollar to hypothesize on the activities of assets or to hedge placements in the commodities market. The Canadian dollar or loonies currency code is CAD and its currency symbol is typically abbreviated to $ or CA$.

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